10 Amp X 5 mL

Caffeine is commonly used in treatments for all forms of cellulite and localised adiposity reduction. It is a professional use, sterile solution.

Category:  BODY TREATMENT, FACE TREATMENT : adiposity,Caffeine,cellulite,fatty acids,lipolytic,Reducing

CAFFEINE is commonly used in treatments for all forms of cellulite and localised adiposity reduction. It is a professional use, sterile solution.

Caffeine stimulates and intervenes in the lipolytic process by inhibiting the effect of phosphodiesterase and increasing CAMP.

CAFFEINE is commonly used in treatments for all forms of cellulite and localised adiposity reduction.

It is a professional use, sterile solution.

· Aqua
· Caffeine
· Sodium Benzoate
· Sodium Cloride

Stimulates lipase – Encourages the mobilisation and metabolism of free fatty acids.

Professional use. Apply 2-6 ml of the solution.
Treat with one session, every 7 days, for 5-8 sessions. Repeat as required to achieve treatment objectives and then maintenance treatments every 2-6 weeks.

Glutes, thighs, abdomen, flanks, arms and double chin.

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